What is the standard height of an ottoman?

What is the standard height of an ottoman?


When it comes to selecting the perfect ottoman, one of the essential factors to consider is its height. The height of an ottoman plays a crucial role in its functionality, comfort, and overall aesthetic appeal. In this article, we will explore the standard height of an ottoman and provide insights into choosing the ideal height based on various purposes.

What is an Ottoman?

Before we delve into ottoman height, let's understand what a furniture ottoman is. An ottoman is a versatile piece of furniture that serves multiple purposes in a living space. It can be used as a footrest, extra seating, coffee table, or even for storage. Ottomans come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, making them a popular choice for enhancing both comfort and style in a room.

Importance of Ottoman Height

The height of an ottoman is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it determines the level of comfort and ergonomics provided by the ottoman. Secondly, it affects the overall aesthetics and proportionality of the room. Choosing the right height ensures that the ottoman seamlessly integrates with the existing furniture and decor, creating a harmonious visual appeal.

Factors to Consider for Standard Ottoman Height

When determining the standard height of an ottoman, several factors should be taken into account. Let's explore these factors to help you make an informed decision:

Ergonomics and Comfort

One of the primary considerations when selecting ottoman height is ergonomics and comfort. The ottoman should be at a height that allows for easy and comfortable use. Whether you intend to use it as a footrest or seating, the ottoman should promote a natural sitting or resting position, ensuring proper posture and reducing strain on the body.

Standard Ottoman Heights for Different Purposes

The purpose for which you plan to use the ottoman also influences its ideal height. Let's discuss the standard ottoman heights for different purposes:

1. Ottoman Height for Seating

If you intend to use the ottoman for seating, such as in a lounge or living room, the standard height ranges between 16 to 18 inches (40 to 45 cm). This height allows for a comfortable seating position, where the knees are at a slightly lower level than the hips. A good rule of thumb is to order your ottoman to be one inch shorter than the sofa you are pairing it with. 

2. Ottoman Height for Footrest

When using the ottoman primarily as a footrest, the standard height is slightly lower than the seating height. A height of 14 to 16 inches (35 to 40 cm) works well for footrest ottomans, ensuring optimal leg support and relaxation.

3. Ottoman Height for Coffee Tables

In some cases, ottomans used as coffee tables or as a combination of both seating and a coffee table. For such purposes, the standard height usually ranges between 18 to 20 inches (45 to 50 cm). This height allows for easy access to items placed on the ottoman while maintaining a comfortable height for placing drinks or snacks.

4. Ottoman Height for Storage

Ottomans with storage compartments are becoming increasingly popular. The height of ottomans designed for storage purposes generally aligns with the seating height, ensuring a comfortable seating experience while providing ample storage space inside.

5. Ottoman Height for Decorative Purposes

Sometimes, ottomans are purely used for decorative purposes, adding an aesthetic touch to a room. In such cases, the height can vary depending on personal preference and the desired visual impact. It is recommended to choose a height that complements the surrounding furniture and decor elements. For example mid century modern furniture generally runs a bit smaller than other styles of furniture. 

How to Measure the Ideal Ottoman Height

To determine the ideal height for an ottoman, consider the following steps:

  1. Measure the height of the surrounding seating or furniture.
  2. Ensure the ottoman height is slightly lower than the measured height for a comfortable and visually appealing look.
  3. Consider the purpose of the ottoman and select the corresponding standard height range.

Adjustability and Customization Options

It's worth noting that some ottomans come with adjustable height options. These ottomans allow you to customize the height according to your preferences and needs. Adjustable ottomans are a great choice if you require flexibility or if multiple people with different height preferences will be using the ottoman.

Design Considerations

Aside from the functional aspects, ottoman height should also align with the overall design aesthetic of the room. Consider factors such as the style, color, and material of the ottoman to ensure it blends seamlessly with the existing furniture and decor.

Popular Ottoman Heights in Different Countries

The standard ottoman height can vary between countries and regions due to cultural preferences and design traditions. In Europe, for instance, ottomans are often designed with lower heights compared to those found in North America, where higher ottomans are more prevalent. It is important to take these cultural differences into account when selecting the ideal ottoman height.


The standard height of an ottoman is a vital consideration when choosing this versatile piece of furniture. It affects comfort, ergonomics, and the overall visual appeal of a room. By considering factors such as ergonomics, purpose, and design, you can select an ottoman height that perfectly suits your needs and enhances your living space.


1. What is the standard height for an ottoman used as a coffee table?

The standard height for an ottoman used as a coffee table is typically between 18 to 20 inches (45 to 50 cm). This height allows for easy access to items on the ottoman while maintaining a comfortable height for placing drinks or snacks.

2. Can ottoman height be adjusted?

Yes, some ottomans come with adjustable height options, allowing you to customize the height according to your preferences and needs. Adjustable ottomans are a great choice if you require flexibility or if multiple people with different height preferences will be using the ottoman.

3. What is the ideal ottoman height for seating purposes?

The ideal ottoman height for seating purposes is generally between 16 to 18 inches (40 to 45 cm). This height ensures a comfortable seating position where the knees are slightly lower than the hips.

4. Are ottoman heights the same worldwide?

No, ottoman heights can vary between countries and regions due to cultural preferences and design traditions. In Europe, ottomans are often designed with lower heights compared to those found in North America, where higher ottomans are more prevalent.

5. Can ottoman height affect the overall aesthetic of a room?

Yes, ottoman height can significantly impact the overall aesthetic of a room. Choosing the right height ensures proportionality and harmony with the surrounding furniture and decor, enhancing the visual appeal of the space.

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